My people are confused about who to look to for insight, guidance, and direction to properly prepare for not only this storm, but what is to come. But the time is not yet. This is a warning. For My people are divided. There is no unity in My Church, which is creating a state, a spirit of confusion. Take note of the warning at Galatians 5 concerning the deeds of the flesh listed in verses 20 and 21. Right there, in the middle of them is dissension. Dissension is those who ungodly and unguided behavior causes division, disunion, walls of separation, and assigning labels or groups that God personally has not ordained, acknowledged, appointed or assigned into office. It is the one who splits up, scission or causes discord, friction, infighting, strife or war within God’s Church. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER, MY CHURCH, THE WAR THAT TOOK PLACE IN HEAVEN? IT WAS YOUR BROTHER IN THE FAITH, LUCIFER, WHO CHALLENGED GOD AND HIS CHOSEN ONES (Revelation 12:7-12; Isaiah 14:1...