The Coup d'etat

I am purposely leaving out certain elements of this dream for I feel it is not God’s timing for certain parts to be revealed.
This was the second time I’ve dreamed of this event, but this time, in the second dream, there was a different outcome.

1st Dream: In the first dream, I was walking around in this building with extremely high ceilings. It was like a cathedral. Inside, it was dark, dreary and cold. As I looked
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around, I felt anxiety in my spirit. At first, I was on the lower level looking around, but up toward the high ceiling. In the center of the ceiling, I noticed a huge bronze chandelier. As I turned to look deep into the hallways of the facility, just above my head was a long balcony. To the left was this long staircase. I immediately turned to my left and in the corner of the ceiling, I noticed the ceiling was starting to rip. Frighten by what I saw, I tried to think quickly what to do because I can sense the building was about to collapse.
I watched in fear as I saw the crack (rip) moved slowly from the left to the right. Then, I looked at the far right corner of the ceiling. There appeared to be a small opening. Big enough for a body to fit. I figured if I could get up there, I could get out before it was too late. The problem was, the opening was too high for me to reach. So, I ran up to the top floor using the staircase, and I stood there watching the crack in the ceiling getting closer to the opening in the right corner. Even though within my own might, I knew there was no way I could jump from the stairway balcony to this opening,  but I decided to try time it. And at the right time, I closed my eyes and jumped.
The next thing I knew, I was hanging on the edge of the wall. I climbed over and jumped to the other side right before the entire building collapsed.
Some time passed and I did not give any more thought about the first dream until it occurred again, but from a different perspective.

2nd Dream: In the second dream, the same things happened with exception of a few key elements. In this second dream, there was a popular Senior Pastor in it, whom I am very close and familiar with. During the dream, his sound person had quit. Therefore, he had no way to connect his sound so the people can hear his Sunday service sermons. He asked me if I could help him connect his sound for his Sunday service. But, I never answered him in the dream. Then, the next thing I knew, I was sitting, working on a new song. In an undertone, I sang the first four bars (lines) of the song, and the last word in line 4 was “preaching”, which echo throughout this cathedral-like building. Then, this male worship leader, who was sitting in front of me, turned around with this astonished look on his face and said, “mmm… that is powerful.” This worship leader who just suddenly appeared in front of me, I recognized who he was. But, he didn’t say anything else, and I appeared to be shocked that he was even there. He got up and walked away to the right. I watched him as he disappears. Once he was out of sight, I continue to write this new song. I noticed I cried with tremendous sorrow and mourning as I wrote.
Then, everything I described in Dream 1 started to happen all over again. But this time, I seemed to be very indecisive concerning how to escape this building. I saw the 
Serafini Amelia
staircase that was in the first dream, but instead of repeating what I did before that helped me to escape, I decided to run and hide under the staircase behind a large column that was connected to it. I stood there and watched the crack in the left corner move slow enough for me to come up with a better option for me to escape. But, I didn’t shift nor change my mind about what I was doing. I could see a small opening in the right corner of the ceiling that was in the first dream where I was able to gain my freedom from the building that was falling apart. I thought about it for a second, but I noticed how high it was and so I dismissed the thought.
As the building starts to collapse, I saw another large opening on the lower floor level in the right corner. I took off running toward it. But, I woke up before I saw if I made it or not.
The Coup d’etat
I woke up around 5 a.m. and immediately asked God, “Lord, what was that about?” Of course, I could not go back to sleep afterward. So, I laid there waiting for God to answer. Then, I got a strong urge in my spirit to go read the Book of Isaiah, a book that I am currently studying, along with the Book of Joel, in my personal time.
I read the first 3 verses of Isaiah chapter 1. After reading verse 3, I was led to Jeremiah 9:3, 6. Then God spoke.

My people don’t know nor understand Me (Isaiah 1:3). Because lies have become the predominant language of My people (Jeremiah 9:3). They lie about everything. They believe every lie under the sun. They accept nothing, but lies.
Deceit is what they know and understand. For it has become the way of My people (Jeremiah 9:6). They have come to know no other way because they don’t know or understand Me. My people are rebellious. They are rotten to the core.
Listen. Listen to the words of the Father. Listen. Listen to the words of the King. Listen. Listen to the words of the Spirit. For it has begun. The coup d’etat that you keep hearing in your spirit, that you keep reading and studying about for weeks has begun.
Pray for the people. Pray! For the time has drawn near.


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