The Power of a Spiritual Dance

I am not sure why I am sharing this vision I had a week ago. Its one of a reoccurring vision
From left to right: Rikyrah, Ashley Murphy, Abesi Manyando
where I am dancing like a ballerina. I have had these visions for almost a year, but the only thing that changes is the scene and scenery. But in the last, at least, six months, when I have this kind of vision, I am no longer in ballerina attire, but military gear and sometimes with a sword or a weapon of some kind. In the earlier visions, when they first started, I was dancing with grace and elegance in smooth and calculated motion. But in the last six months, my ballerina dance has been with much power, force, and vigorousness. What is weird about each ballerina vision I have had, they never come with an interpretation that is clear like most of my visions. However, there are a lot of elemental images present in the vision as if they are the interpretation of the vision.

I have not shared any of these types of visions with anyone other than with my ministry partner. I usually just log them in my confidential Dreams and Visions book. But, I felt an urging to share this one on my Dreams and Visions blog. So, in obedience, I am doing so, but very uncomfortable in sharing what I consider to be an intimate and private vision.

The Power of a Spiritual Dance

Splattered Blood of Christ

We were at a local Church worshipping. During the last worship song, I felt my spirit got caught up and I saw myself entered a bright room that was filled with white fog. I could hear military boots marching in the far background. The next thing I knew, I started to dance – my typical ballerina dances that I often see myself doing in my visions. (Sometimes I would be in full ballerina attire, but lately, I am in military gear).
I was dancing with much power and vigorousness. But, in the vision, I could only see my military boots as I danced. Then it appeared that I was standing on the other side of a glass wall watching myself dance. The glass was moist as if it has been raining in the area where I was dancing. Then suddenly, I saw a splash of red color splattered all over the part of the glass where I was standing. I stepped in closer to try to figure out what it was. But my spirit disappeared from the outer part of this glass wall, and I was dancing again. Back and forth from my ballerina attire into my military clothing and I had a paintbrush in my right hand. And as I dance, twist and turn, this red like paint that looked just like blood would splatter everywhere.

The next thing I could see all around me in a circular form where hospital beds that look like cots you would see in a military war zone. I dance in front of one bed to the next. Then a man appeared behind me and slowly place his hands around my hips, grabbed me and left me up. We both begin to dance simultaneously with much power and vigorousness from one bed to the next.
Then suddenly, I could see people laying in all the beds – at least 12 beds where there. As this man and I continue to dance in unison, the people in the beds started to pull out their IVs and got out of their beds. For a while, they stood next to their beds as this man and I continue to dance - me in military attire and he was in short tights. Then, all at once, they stood next to their beds and started to simultaneously mimic the dance we were doing in the center of the room. Then everyone disappeared as I continue to stand tall on my tippy toes and spin in a circle until the entire vision faded out. 


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